The relationship between the sensitivity of the human
microbiome to the environment was assessed in this piece. It is important to
note that only data from subject A was utilized during this analysis. Three
time intervals were chosen to determine whether or not the relationship
indicated any significance. Firstly a period was selected before the subject
travelled, which included days 53 through 60. Secondly a period was selected
where the subject was traveling abroad which included days 113 through 120. It
is of importance to note that there was a period during travel where subject A
was unwell, but this time period was not explored as a relationship due to the
fact that it could not be compared to a time period where subject A was not
traveling and unwell. Lastly a period was
selected after the subject had returned from said travels which encompassed days
138 through 146.
The relative abundances of the bacterial families
clearly indicated a shift in the composition of the orders present within the microbiome.
The four most abundant bacterial families over all
three time periods were selected, namely: Actinomycetales,
Bifidobacteriales, Coriobacteriales, and
Lactobacillales. Bacterial data used were selected from high
abundance bacteria over the selected time period. The bacterial names also
possessed the appropriate quantity of syllables needed to add lyrics to 4/4
time. This meant that once the music had been written the names of the bacteria
were suitable for use as lyrics. The chord progression was randomly generated
based on Elton John’s “Rocket Man”.
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